Publications C Cross-sectional estimates revealed high HIV incidence in Botswana rural communities in the era of successful ART scale-up in 2013-2015 PLoS ONE View Publication Share on social Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Authors Moyo, S., Gaseitsiwe, S., Mohammed, T., Pretorius Holme, M., Wang, R., Kotokwe, K.P., Boleo, C., Mupfumi, L., Yankinda, E.K., Chakalisa, U., van Widenfelt, E., Gaolathe, T., Mmalane, M.O., Dryden-Peterson, S., Mine, M., Lebelonyane, R., Bennett, K., Leidner, J., Wirth, K.E., Tchetgen Tchetgen, E., Powis, K., Moore, J., Clarke, W.A., Lockman, S., Makhema, J.M., Essex, M., Novitsky, V.