FAQ. How Can We Help You?

A list of the most commonly asked questions to SANTHE are stored here. If you cannot find the answer/s you are looking for, please contact us.

How does one turn health engagement into health action?

6 forces that turn health engagement into health action

Considering these six forces at play will not only create an inherent competitive advantage, but it will also – more importantly – get populations to take health action and ultimately drive improved outcomes.

How can scientists break free from Twitter’s echo chambers and reach new audiences?

How Scientists Can Break Free from Twitter’s Echo Chambers and Reach New Audiences

What do scientists risk by not communicating outside their own groups?

Why do South African scientists make time for science engagement?

South African Scientists Explain Why They Make Time For Science Festivals

Science festivals across the world attract millions of visitors every year. They are typically busy, buzzing events: visitors stroll through inte


How do I share data effectively? Data storytelling.

Data Storytelling: Meshing Narrative Techniques with Data Science Smarts

Alongside the explosion in enterprise data analytics is the growing realization that insights, without action, are not enough. Data Storytelling: Meshing Narrative Techniques with Data Science Smarts

How to visually explain complex scientific concepts.

Seeing Science: How to Visually Explain Complex Concepts

Scientists turn to an easy, plug-and-play platform to visually translate their work.

How nearby science benefits all.

How “Science Near Me” Benefits Me — And You

A science learning researcher shares the story of how Science Near Me came to be and why it matters.


Psychological distance as a predictor of science rejection

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam and Durham University have designed a tool to measure the psychological distance to science and predict science rejection in a number of very diverse domains. Using a large-scale survey, they demonstrated that distrust in science increases when people experience science as more distant, regardless of their ideological or religious beliefs or knowledge of science. The results of this study have now been published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


Encouraging girls to roleplay as successful female scientists could help close the gender gap in STEM

Make-believe doesn’t usually have a place in laboratory settings, but research just published in Psychological Science suggests that girls may persist longer in science activities when they pretend to be successful female scientists. This kind of play-based intervention could help close the gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields by boosting girls’ early engagement with science, according to Reut Shachnai (Yale University), Tamar Kushnir (Duke University), and Lin Bian (The University of Chicago).

Communicating science in an ever-changing environment.

Dr Anthony Fauci—Communicating Science in a Polarized Era

Over a nearly 40-year career at the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, MD, has seen a seismic shift in the way that science is communicated to and received by the public. In conversation with JAMA Network Editor in Chief Kirsten Bibb

Why should we communicate science/engage the public in research?

We need an open dialogue on global research engagement

As temperatures continue to rise, both literally and between nations, international research engagement – a precondition for finding and implementin…


“What a waste of taxpayer money!”: Why are people so angry on science social media?

People on social media have a lot of strong feelings about the money spent on science research. It is all a big misunderstanding?


How better science communication can benefit everyone

How better science communication can benefit everyone, Sharing scientific information is as old as better science itself. Early scientific


Vaccine Adherence Hinges on Improving Science Communication

Physicians are missing the mark when encouraging vaccine use because they aren’t offering definitive messages in public settings, simplifying their language, and leveraging baseline knowledge.


US Researchers Most Concerned Globally about Fighting Misinformation

Elsevier and Economist Impact announce findings from “confidence in research” global collaboration


Citizen science can heal societal divisions

This year’s Maddox Prize winner shows how community-led research can help communities escape polarised debates over scientific evidence


How reliable science communication can fight fake news

Effective science communication has never been more crucial to countering misinformation. The EU-funded ENJOI project is developing…


Research managers urged to ‘build public trust in science’

SRAI 2022: Administrators can play “important roles” in facilitating effective public engagement, conference hears

Not Business as Usual

Elsevier report on the pandemic-era research environment describes confidence gaps between scientists and the public—but also potential for increased engagement in science.


Should scientists share their opinions?

Striving for objectivity does not mean researchers cannot take part in policy debates

How to engage publics/communicate science.

The exclusive language of science makes it inaccessible to the larger community

Science has its own language, best understood by individuals who have spent countless years within academic and clinical environments. While this language can be helpful to describe, understand and then communicate phenomenon within a discipline, the rigid practices of science communication do n …


Communicate science with pictures

Scientific knowledge begins with an idea. This is usually only as good as its communication succeeds. With her compendium “Science Illustration”, Escardo


New study describes how best practices can be applied to community engagement programs

In the U.S., the Clinical and Translational Science Award Program was designed to advance the efficiency of research translation; speeding up the process of bringing discoveries from the laboratory, clinic and community to policy and practice as a means of improving individual and public health. Community Engagement (CE) programs are a required and essential component of all Clinical and Translational Science Institutes (CTSIs) and seek to extend the capacity of CTSIs to design, implement and disseminate innovations that benefit communities through bi-directional engagement.


Brain found to simultaneously process linguistic and extralinguistic information

An international team of scientists from the UK, Spain, Denmark and Russia (including researchers from the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience) conducted an experiment demonstrating that people automatically integrate extralinguistic information into grammatical processing during verbal communication. The study findings were published in the Scientific Reports Journal.


Mind the Gap: How Culture-Specific Messaging Can Lead to Better Nutrition

Graduate student Ana Maafs-Rodríguez explores the nuances of communication to help promote healthy eating among Latinos


Countering Anti-Science Rhetoric — With Squid Facts

A squid biologist takes to the streets — and Skype — to share scientific knowledge.


Make a difference: collaboration and participation in arts-led research

Artists can’t solve the world’s problems, but they are well placed to ask questions that enable ideas and creativity to emerge. And the local knowledge of communities holds a wealth of answers, writes Loraine Leeson


Tips for communicating about your research with non-scientists

Using plain language to describe your work is not only important, it’s also part of the NIH mission and federal law. Here are some tips for telling the public about your research and why it matters.



Writing a scientific article for non-scientific readers can seem intimidating and time-consuming, but when done correctly, it can greatly expand your reach. Discover the key steps that will assist you in ensuring that your scientific article is engaging and understandable to a wide range of audiences. Writing a scientific article for non-scientific readers can seem intimidating and time-consuming, but when done correctly, it can greatly expand your reach. Discover the key steps that will assist you in ensuring that your scientific article is engaging and understandable to a wide range of audiences.

How can science communication evolve?

How can scientific communication evolve for the average reader?

We live in the era of sharing articles after only reading the title (hopefully, you, dear readers of The Peak, don’t follow this trend). How many of us have received a link from loved ones that either seems too unrealistic, comes from a sketchy page, or is outright just a bunch of lies? It’s pretty…


Empowering communities to inform social change with research

Under-represented communities in Reading and Slough are set to benefit from a new approach to community led science research.


Going beyond Scientific Slogans to Connect with People Emotionally

Researchers find that empathy is a potent weapon when fighting misinformation online

How do you measure the impact of your engagement/communication?

How Science Friday Used A/B Testing To Guide Audience Engagement

When the pandemic began, we had to rethink how we engaged with audiences interested in science. Here’s what we learned.

The difference between public engagement and communication

Authentic engagement = effective communication

Through all the trends that we see, lasting impact and brand love always come from relatable, trustworthy, and empathetic communication.

SANTHE is an Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) flagship programme funded by the Science for Africa Foundation through the DELTAS Africa programme; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Gilead Sciences Inc.; and the Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, and Harvard.