Publications L Lack of Virological Suppression Among Young HIV-Positive Adults in Botswana JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes View Publication Share on social Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Authors Novitsky, V., Gaolathe, T., Mmalane, M., Moyo, S., Chakalisa, U., Yankinda, E.K., Marukutira, T., Holme, M.P., Sekoto, T., Gaseitsiwe, S., Musonda, R., van Widenfelt, E., Powis, K.M., Khan, N., Dryden-Peterson, S., Bennett, K., Wirth, K.E., Tchetgen, E.T., Bachanas, P., Mills, L.A., Lebelonyane, R., el-Halabi, S., Makhema, J., Lockman, S., Essex, M.