FAQ. How Can
We Help You?

A list of the most commonly asked questions to SANTHE are stored here. If you cannot find the answer/s you are looking for, please contact us.

How can I share news with the SANTHE network?

Please share here.

What news should I share with the SANTHE network?

SANTHE’s mission is to advance African science and scientists in the fight against HIV, TB, HIV-TB co-infection, associated morbidities, and emerging diseases that adversely affect Africans e.g. COVID-19. We aim to not only to produce stories with accurate scientific information, but to translate such data into easy-to-understand information, and to make it meaningful in a way that explains how it will make an impact. If you have any information relevant to our mission – to build the capacity of scientists engaged in HIV/TB research in Sub-Saharan Africa – then please share it here.

SANTHE is an Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) flagship programme funded by the Science for Africa Foundation through the DELTAS Africa programme; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Gilead Sciences Inc.; and the Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, and Harvard.